De Chantal is a campus that is full of life, laughter, and learning! We would like to keep you updated of all the fun things we do and learn at De Chantal as well as important information from our principal. We have several newsletters that go out each week. Be sure to stay in the know and remember the fun never stops at De Chantal!
Mrs. Hamilton’s Letter
Every week Mrs. Hamilton sends a letter to the school community through Constant Contact informing parents of important institutional changes, school procedures, updated guidelines, and any emergency closings. If you would like to receive Mrs. Hamilton’s letters please email today!
School Newsletter
The Scoop from Duke is a weekly school newsletter highlighting key reminders from Mrs. Hamilton, key dates to remember, teacher spotlights, information regarding CYO sports, student council updates, spirit wear news and other pertinent community related updates. This newsletter is delivered every Thursday at 5pm. If you would like to be added to the distribution list please email today!
HSA Headlines
The HSA Headlines is a weekly newsletter that goes out every Monday. It highlights the many fundraising events we hold throughout the year and ways you can volunteer. To stay on top of all our community events and how you can help, email the to be added to the distribution list today!