The faculty at De Chantal knows the learning process is different for many of their students. All classroom teachers are trained in differentiated instruction and strive to support the varied learning styles in their classroom. Teachers meet in grade level teams to design lessons, utilize materials and incorporate a variety of learning platforms each day. Students use textbooks, workbooks, chromebooks and google classroom throughout the week. Students are encourage to demonstrate individual curiosity and learning through a variety of methods such as presentations, writing reports, visual arts and structured tests.
A full time Resource Teacher is available to students who require educational assistance beyond the classroom. With specialized interventions, the Resource Teacher provides students one-to-one instruction, additional practice, organizational strategies and specialized assessments. Students in First and Second grade who may require one-to-one instruction as they develop their reading and math skills, receive one-to-one lessons from a Primary Education – Resource Teacher.
With varied classroom instruction, Resource intervention when necessary, students at De Chantal find academic success and grow in their love for learning.