Faith and Service

"Religion is the Thread that weaves our school together."

Betsy Hamilton

We pray together and follow the liturgical calendar to celebrate all the Christian Holy Days. The Catholic traditions and ceremonies are a part of our daily school life. Religion is an academic subject, taught daily and integrated into all other academic classes. In cooperation with our parish priests, the De Chantal Faculty is dedicated to instilling and nurturing a deep religious foundation that will enhance student academic studies and enrich their spiritual growth.


At St. Jane de Chantal, daily prayer is routine and common throughout our school. Students and faculty begin each morning and end each afternoon in prayer. Quiet individual prayer, prayers among classmates, and school-wide prayers are used to show gratitude, ask for guidance, assistance, and support, and to celebrate joyful moments.

Mass and Sacraments

All School Masses are held periodically throughout the year to celebrate school milestones and honor Holy Days. Individual classes also attend Mass bi-weekly. Students are given the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as part of their Advent and Lenten preparations for Christmas and Easter. During Lent, Stations of the Cross and Live Rosaries are conducted by the students.


Service is part of the Religion Curriculum. In keeping with Christ’s call to serve others De Chantal students participate in a variety of social giving programs each year; the Thanksgiving Food Drive, Project ShoeBox for SOME, Operation Smile, a Walk for the Homeless, seasonal collections for Little Sisters of the Poor and many more community outreach efforts are part of student life.